Monday, August 17

I Won An Award!

I won an award! This award is for up and coming blogstress', who've been blogging for less than 3 years and one of the next generations super bloggers! I was nominated by Dee Gordon of Runako Designs and Runako Designs Girls Night Out.

I'd like to thank Dee Gordon, all my followers, family and friends for making this award possible. I couldn't have done this without your support and our love of food. I will continue to bring you lots of tasty bits of news and recipes in the years to come.

Now the rules are I must pass this award on to other bloggers. If you have been nominated for this award, you must pay it forward! You must post an acceptance speech on your blog and then nominate as many other blogs as you wish, and, if you have been nominated, feel free to post the above award proudly on your blog! I nominate the following who have been instrumental in helping me get started on my blog. They are part of a direct sales company that we are affiliated with, but have branched out or continued to pursue their passions. They are:

Designs By Loretta

Chocolate and Jewels
Maria Paray