Wednesday, August 5

Great American Bake Sale

Hi Everyone,

Welcome to my Bakeless Bake Sale! I have signed to participate in Share Our Strength's Great American Bake Sale and in addition to holding a traditional bake sale, I've decided to take my bake sale to the internet. I have joined fight against childhood hunger in America and I hope you will join me.

Today, more than 12 million children in the United States do not know when their next meal will come. Unfortunately, this number continues to rise as these difficult economic times are leaving more and more people jobless, without homes, and unable to provide food for their families. But there is hope. We can end childhood hunger. Thanks to programs like Great American Bake Sale, we can all do our part to help families struggling to make ends meet.

Great American Bake Sale is a program that supports Share Our Strength, a national organization that works hard to make sure no kid in America grows up hungry. Share Our Strength helps close gaps between nutritious food programs and families in need. They help develop lasting solutions for hungry families - the difference between feeding a family tonight and ensuring that they never have to worry about their next meal again.

I am writing to you to ask for support. I have set a goal to raise $500. Funds raised through Great American Bake Sale support summer and after-school feeding programs in our community that hundreds and thousands of kids depend on. No donation is too GREAT nor too SMALL... every dollar counts! To make a donation online please visit my Great American Bake Sale website.

Thank you in advance for supporting me, my efforts and Share Our Strength. I appreciate any contribution you can make and look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions about Share Our Strength's Great American Bake Sale please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you,

Vicki Bensinger
"At Home with Vicki Bensinger"