Monday, July 13

Food Labels

Each week most of us go to the grocery store purchasing products. How many of you read the labels on the back of the packaging and if you do how thoroughly do you read them? Well I just recently discovered two new websites that help you sort out just what's on those food labels: uncoveres marketing tricks some manufacturers use to make you think a product is healthful, when in fact it should be avoided.

One example is a bag of Baked Tortilla Chips with lime. Sounds great but if you don't read the food label carefully and actually understand what you're reading you could be buying something that's not so good for you.

I don't want to give it away but check out this site and sign up if you like. was created by a panel of marketing and nutrition experts, the site names names, so you can check brands you buy and learn what to look for. also takes a brand-name approach, letting you look up ingredient labels of more than 27.000 products. Select an ingredient to get a definition and any research on it. You'll be amazed at what you can learn!

In addition these sites have much more to offer including great recipes. So check them out and tell me what you think.