Friday, June 26

Parkmoor Restaurant

Today is the 20th anniversary of when my father passed away, one month before my daughter was born. Although it's not a happy occasion I found myself thinking back and remembering all the wonderful things about him and the things that made me laugh.

Back in those days people ate hot dogs along with everything else without a worry about high blood pressure, cholesterol, fat content or anything else for that matter.

One of my dads favorite restaurants to go to for casual food was Parkmoor. He loved their Premium Frank. I'm sure some of you remember it but many of you may not even recall Parkmoor.

The Premium Frank was a hot dog, covered in cheese and wrapped in bacon on this incredible bun. My entire family loved this hot dog except for my mom who never even tried it.

I spent part of my morning today trying to see if I could find any posts at all on Parkmoors Premium Frank but was unsuccessful. Apparently though their fried chicken was to die for based on the articles and blogs I read.

I don't eat hot dogs at all anymore. Not that I don't like them but they don't like me. So I just try to ignore them when I see one.

My dad loved food and all kinds. It was nice to go down memory lane today and remember all the wonderful things about him and how he made me smile and laugh.

If you love hot dogs try to make yourself a Premium Frank. They really are delicious!

I miss my dad but I'm so happy for the memories. They last a lifetime!