Friday, February 6

Valentine's Day Delights

So how did food and sex become so intertwined?

We could suggest it goes back to Adam and Eve, who did take a bite of the apple, and of course, you know the rest of the story ...

Research has shown the link between food and sex is not just in our heads. The scent of certain foods triggers increased blood flow to those specific areas that benefit from such blood flow — when the mood is right.

So it turns out the path to men's and women's hearts — and to the rest of their bodies — might just be through their stomachs, after all.
There's something about the luscious flavors and intoxicating aromas of certain foods that simulates both mind and body.

Foods that create sensuous moods reportedly include natural chemicals that enhance certain emotions, but it could also be the power of the mind. Very often it is just the sharing of sensuous foods with your significant other that makes them so special. Whether any truly amorous reactions occur with foods is purely speculative, but that does not mean it cannot help set the ambiance for romance.

While most people think of champagne, strawberries and oysters as foods that lend themselves to amorous moods, the following can also be considered "mood foods" which can be found at your local supermarket.

Chocolate: Of course, chocolate is infamous for being a powerful food, and even the Aztecs referred to chocolate as "nourishment of the Gods." Chocolate contains phenylethylamine, or PEA, which is the same chemical (similar to amphetamine) released by the brain when people fall in love, producing a euphoric, dreamy feeling.

Coffee: Just the aroma of coffee itself can perk up the senses. Serve it up for your special someone in a demitasse cup to create a special love buzz.

Hummus: Chickpeas, the main ingredient in hummus, were believed to have had aphrodisiac properties in history, and it was noted the Romans often fed chickpeas to their prized stallions. Put a Mediterranean twist on Valentine's Day and dip bits of pita bread in hummus and hand feed your significant other a provocative appetizer.

Ice cream: What could be more indulgent and romantic than lovers spoon-feeding each other vanilla ice cream in bed? The scent of vanilla alone will bring the aura of romance to the room, however, most rich and decadent ice creams will bring bliss to taste buds.

Nuts: Almonds and walnuts have, in the past, been a symbol of fertility. Ancient Romans used them in fertility ceremonies and threw walnuts instead of rice at newlyweds.

Prunes: Did you know prunes are considered an aphrodisiac? Legend has it that Eros, the Greek God of love, dipped his arrow in prune juice for extra effect before taking aim on his love targets. Serve a goblet of the silky smooth prune juice as your secret love potion this Valentine's day. Of course you could be running to the bathroom instead of into bed!

Seafood: Everyone knows that oysters are considered an aphrodisiac, but other kinds of seafood can stir up those amorous feelings as well. Shrimp can be a very romantic food; hand feed them to your significant other draped in a luscious cocktail sauce to help seduce your partner.

If that's not enough to get the fire going then check out Burger King's "FLAME" body spray. Yes you heard that right! The company describes it as having "the scent of seduction with the hint of flame-broiled meat." BK says FLAME "became one of the hottest stocking-stuffers of the holiday season, selling out in just three days after its December debut." You can get your body spray HERE Be prepared though this is one Burger King ad you won't see on TV.

So, I've given you a few menu ideas to pick from for your romantic Valentine's Day next Saturday. Since we know that strawberries can be very sensuous why not make something simple for dessert like Chocolate Covered Strawberries to share with your sweetheart.

Here's a simple recipe that won't take anytime at all.

Chocolate Covered Strawberries

12 oz.pkg. of chocolate chips
small pkg. of white chocolate chips
large Driscoll Strawberries with stems - wash and dry completely with paper towel

Warm the chocolate chips in a double boiler (or pyrex or oven proof bowl that sits on top of a pot of boiling water).

Once the chocolate has melted dip your strawberries one at a time into the chocolate covering all but the leaves and stem. Take out and lay on parchment, wax paper or foil to dry.

Once dried (about 30-60 minutes) you can melt a small amount of the white chocolate (same as above method) and drizzle it over the chocolate coated strawberry using nothing more than a fork or toothpick to drizzle.

Variations on your strawberry could be after coating it for the first time with chocolate (while still wet) to then sprinkle on:
rice krispies

The list is endless. Just let your imagination fly.

Once you have finished decorating your strawberries let them sit out to harden for about an hour and then refrigerate until ready to eat.


As always if you try any of my recipes and have questions please feel free to send an email, comment or contact me for assistance. I'm always happy to help.

Wishing all of you a very Happy Valentine's Day! May you share the day with someone you love.