Monday, August 1

Memories - Cooking with Kids!

I didn't sleep at all last night.  I was remembering what it was like to be in labor with my daughter who at 12:50am turned 22 years old today. 

I had easy deliveries with both my children.  My son who will be 25 later this month arrived in just 3 hours, of course that's quick but, my daughter literally joined the human race in a mere 30 minutes.  My water broke at 12:20am on August 1st and there she was at 12:50am. 

My daughter and I last year after summiting Mt. Democrat
She's a big girl now!

Thank goodness there was no traffic getting to the hospital at that time. I told my husband to drop me off at the door and go park his car.  I ran into the hospital elevator to take it to the maternity floor and was greeted by a man who I terrified, when told I was having a baby any second.  With horror in his eyes he said, "not with me in here lady," and quickly hit the button and ran out.  I laughed!  Luckily I made it to the maternity floor just in the nick of time.  Now that was close.

What are your fondest memories?

So today as I'm sitting in 60 degree weather looking out at the Colorado mountains I'm reminiscing about the years I spent raising both kids.  I was a stay at home mom and loved every minute of it.  Living each day through the eyes of my children, playing, exploring, learning and cooking.  Lots and lots of cooking together. 

During the summer months with the kids off school, we would cook just about everything.  Not fish, they hated fish as children, now they love it. 

Homemade PlayDoh (read on for fun projects and links) was one of their favorite cooking and play activities.  We could roll with it for hours, creating new colors and shapes.  Cookies and cakes of various sizes and shapes, homemade pizzas, ice cream, spinach stuffed manicotti and ravioli lasagna (see below) their favorite - the list was endless. 

As they got older they used the computer and made trifold menus (something I had no clue how to do at the time), for their make believe restaurant - the name escapes me now.  With a list of items and photos on each page they'd have my husband and I order while they would cook.  Their favorite restaurant items were the quesadillas!  They loved those, and with a variety of tortillas, veggies and cheese they were true chefs. 

Of course my son was very enterprising and always made sure each item had a price, for which we had to pay!  The two would then cook up our dishes and serve them very carefully.  My daughter was so lady like, and still is, but so adorable when she served us, while my son was the maitre d and made certain everything was done to perfection.  He's still that way and so is she!

Why am I telling you this long story?   I suppose because it's on my mind today but also to remind you, if you're a parent, spend quality time with your children while they're still young.  They will never forget it and neither will you!  

Cooking is an incredible way to enjoy stress free hours together while they create their own culinary masterpieces and gain not only confidence but improve their math skills as well. Plus there's no bickering whatsoever, everyone just has fun.

If you're looking for some fun activities to do with your kids where they won't fight with each other, cooking is it!  If it's hot out, raining, if they're sick or just plain bored just go to the kitchen.

Here are some things you can do:
  • Create your own chefs hats before starting your project
  • Make sure everyone wears an apron or make a dish towel apron if you're crafty, and don't forget to wash their hands - the #1 rule for anyone that prepares food.
  • Make PlayDoh - kids of all ages and adults like this too.
  • Try my kids favorite childhood dish, that's easy peasy - Ravioli Lasagna.  Here's a video demonstration from Diergergs grocery store where I got the recipe many years ago. 
  • Bake cookies and use cookie cutters to cut out their names or sayings and decorate them.
  • Make homemade ice cream
There's an infinite number of fun kitchen activities to do with your children.  However, what's key is to spend quality time with them.  Those are memories that will last a lifetime. I'm thrilled I took the time!