Thursday, August 26

Southwestern Swordfish

Well my house is very quiet now. Both kids are gone and it's just my husband and I left with the 2 dogs. I guess you'd call us empty nesters now! On the one hand it makes me feel sad that they're all gone but on the other, it's a good thing. Afterall we raise them to eventually spread their wings and leave the nest.

My grocery bills are going to plummet which is the good news. However, I love fish and since I'll be doing all the cooking my husband is going to have to get use to eating more fish, something he's not too fond of on a regular basis. I figure at least 3 times a week should be good.

So last night I was thinking of making fish tacos something that I love. For some reason my husband can't stand the thought of them along with many others I know, so I decided I'd try something southwest but not in taco form.

I went to the fish market to get some Mahi-Mahi but apparently they haven't been able to get it. They don't know why but they along with the restaurants in town can't either. She said it had nothing to do with the oil spill though. So I went with Swordfish. It's nice and firm and thought it would work for what I wanted to put together.

Once home I gathered up my ingredients to make a marinade for the swordfish. Put my dressing ingredients together for the coleslaw, mixed it in and set aside to blend in the refrigerator. I then made my Pico de Gallo that was delightful and had a slight kick to it and set that aside as well for the flavors to meld.

I love sour cream and personally could eat it right from a spoon but try to refrain, so I picked up some nonfat plain yogurt and doctored it up a bit. It was tasty!

The finished product was wonderful. In fact, I plated it all out and it looked heavenly. Funny thing is, this all could be converted into a fish taco where my husband would have turned his nose up to it but, instead I plated it like a regular entree' and my husband loved it. He even went back for seconds until it was all gone. I'd say that's a good sign.

I worked on this dish to add to my list of culinary classes but with Labor Day coming up in just 1 1/2 weeks I thought I would share it in my newsletter that comes out once a month instead.

So if you'd like to get this fabulous tasting Southwestern fish recipe please sign up for my monthly newsletter at the top right of this page plus add yourself as a follower to my blog if you aren't already.

Each month I send out a newsletter with tips, recipes and everything food related to my culinary class clients and those foodies that have subscribed to it.

If you're a foodie lover then please sign up. If you live in Missouri please contact me for an in-home culinary class and a list of menus that I offer.

My newsletter will be out the first week in September, just before the holiday. For this entire recipe and other foodie news and tips please sign up.