Friday, November 27

Full & Tired

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving and that you were able to share it with your loved ones. We did and it was wonderful!

However, Thursday evening after dinner I was so exhausted from being on my feet all day, cooking and setting up the table, etc. that I couldn't wait to collapse in my bed. So my children who are 20 and 23 agreed to clean up the dishes, kitchen and dining room. When I woke up this morning and walked into the kitchen it was such a nice surprise. Just as they had said everything was spic and span. The perfect ending to a long day and evening spent in the kitchen. I couldn't have asked for anything nicer.

Then after having to run a couple of errands this morning I came home and took a two hour nap. Forget about going to the stores, I definitely couldn't handle that. The rest of the day was spent in the house with my family and we ordered dinner out.

Now to get ready for the rest of the holidays.

I hope if any of you used the recipes that I posted on my blog over the past month that they were a huge success. If you tried them please let me know how they turned out and how they were received by your family and friends.

The photo above is what my entire family felt like after our high carb Thanksgiving meal. Makes us realize why we only overdose on food once a year.

Stay tuned for more great recipes, tips and everything food related for the month of December. If you have any food or recipe questions please post them here.

Don't forget, if you live in the St Louis area and would like to schedule an in-home culinary class please contact me.

Warm Regards,
